Archive for May, 2011

When the muse visits

‎”Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the BRAVEST thing we will ever do” -Brene Brown (From The Gifts of Imperfection)

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain (American Writer)

“Writing today. Never let anything get in the way of telling your story. You may need to wait on the muse for a bit, but don’t put the paper away for long.” -Anna Garza Franklin, (American Writer, Producer, Mom)

LOL Just divorced. And no, that's not my car.

Image via Wikipedia


Tammy Wynette sang about it.  Jaclyn Kennedy Onassis went through one. My friend Kathryn* got one by choice after being in an abusive relationship. Another friend and current housemate Margie* is in the process of going through one due to years of her husband’s parent’s obsessive intruding, his neglect and disregard, then her finally emotionally checking out. Sigh.

Deep breath

I was the first in my family to get the “D” word. Just so you know, my parents have been married for 53 years. Yep, it’s difficult for me to even say the word with my command of the English language. That one word, divorce has defined my forced re-cocooning and re-butterflying on Doctor’s office intake forms and insurance paperwork to this day. I am no longer Ms. Green Light Girl, Single, Ms. Green Light Girl, Married. I’m Ms. Green Light Girl, Divorced.

The key word here is forced. I had no choice in the matter. I didn’t want it. I didn’t need one, or so I thought and I didn’t want any part of it. It takes two to get into a marriage, it only takes one to get out of a marriage. After the accident, I just wanted my husband to heal from his head injury and to act like his usual wonderful self. I wanted us to go back to our lovely little lives. I still wanted us to have the baby WE were planning on conceiving that year and raising our lovely 2 1/2-year-old son together. Instead I got de-railed, in big Special EFX train wreck fashion. No stunt people to protect the leads from harm.

There were no affairs, there wasn’t any abuse, there were no drug or alcohol issues. Father’s Day morning when we woke up in our vacation condo, my then husband whispered to my stomach “Is there a baby in there?” and we both chuckled. We had a wonderful, affectionate, playful, loving, marriage. There weren’t any huge elephants in the room before that day. All of that was shattered with an antique wooden buoy crashing down on the top of my husband’s head at the Fisherman’s Wharf Restaurant in Galveston, Texas on Father’s Day 2004. The old buoy being used as artwork and hanging by a rotting leather cord became the defining moment where everything changed for all of us, every single person of the 14 in that room was affected by this event.

It all seems like a badly directed dream sequence. . .

What would have been my 16th wedding anniversary was a few days ago. I don’t really mourn my marriage as much as I used to. I have moved on with my forced new life, but when the anniversary of our beautiful wedding and the reminder of our lovely life rolls around, I am sad. There is a tiny piece of my heart that is still wounded. On that day I usually try to do something nice for someone, or several people, just because.

I find it gives me a little bit of peace.

After that day has passed, that pregnant pause, I’m ready to get back to my already scheduled re-cocooning and re-butterflying programming. . .

red carpet

Image via Wikipedia

I’m a Producer, so I get invited to my fair share of red carpet events.  I am also a very busy Mommy, so there are a quite a few of those events I have to pass on.  I work really hard to find balance in my life and if there is a choice between something for me or something for my son, my son always wins.


Yesterday was one such day.  I’d been invited to the TNT Party for a new series “Franklin and Bash.”  The lead actors, Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Breckin Meyer would be in attendance, many of my colleagues and several people with whom I’d hope to network with would also be at the venue.  I’d been looking forward to the event all week and since I’m currently involved with someone who lives out of town, I invited my dear friend Sandra* to attend premiere me.

Well, yesterday afternoon the “Mommy side” of me, the “Just for me” side, “The Friend side” and the “Producer side” had a run in.  I’d been going 90 to nothing all week and wasn’t feeling all that well.  Ian* also had Sylvan and getting him home and then dressed and to the event would be cutting it really close.  About 3pm I made the decision to not go to the event for all of the reasons above.  When I called Sandra, I found out her beloved elder pup wasn’t feeling all that well either, so she didn’t want to invite someone else to go with her.  All in all it was the right decision for me.

However, what to do with the tickets?   

While I feel really blessed to have the life I lead, excited everyday to work in the field I enjoy and to have the perks that come my way, I also know that there are others that don’t or at least don’t always.

Ms. B!

My son’s teacher works tirelessly to insure every single child in her class not only gets an education but stays excited about learning.  Ms. B*  makes learning fun and she has a knack for coming up with new ways to inspire.  Heck, I’m inspired by her zeal!

So yesterday I text messaged her to ask her if she would like the “Franklin and Bash” event tickets.  I received a resounding “YES” and I was so happy that her and her hubby were able to attend the fun event.

I guess my point is that even though we can get caught up in our lives and at times wear blinders, try not to.  Try to look around and see that you can make a difference for someone in  doing what maybe such a small thing to you but something huge for someone else.

Tiny things do make an impact. . .

Since this is the end of the school year, I want to remind everyone to not forget about your child’s teachers, but also remember the school nurse, the bus driver, the school councilor, etc.  They too make a difference in your child’s life by doing what may seem to be a small thing, but you and your child will remember for year and years.  A lovely box of chocolates, a pair of earrings (that is what Ian is giving Ms. B and the school nurse) are small tokens that show you appreciate their dedication and hard work.

Have a great summer!

*All names have been changed to protect their privacy.

UPDATE:  Ms. B  said she had wanted to meet “Zack” from “Saved By  The Bell” since she was 8 years old.  The event ended up being not only a fun evening out for her and her hubby but a fulfillment of a childhood dream.  Yippie!

Photo taken by me as an example of a stay at h...

Image via Wikipedia

Meanwhile back at the studio. . .

I was at the studio, very close to the end of my work day when a frantic call came from the lovely couple that watches my son after school. The husband, Mark* said when he picked up the children after school, my son was pretty agitated. Mark explained that within a few hours my son started begging he and his wife Margie to call the Sheriff’s office! My son was also asking their daughter to hide him. You might wonder why a child of 9 would be so upset to beg his sitter to call law enforcement to protect him? It was so he wouldn’t have to go on the exchange visit with his Father.

Mark said every time the phone rang or someone knocked on the front door my son hid. From Mark and Margie’s* description my son was more tense and upset, than they had ever seen him on an exchange day. This is not to say my son hadn’t been upset before on exchange days, he has been upset plenty of times. They were just saying that this time it was very different, this was panic behavior. My child was truly terrified.

Knock, knock. . .

There were other indicators that things weren’t going right, wetting the bed the night before an exchange day, my son crawling in bed with me the night before saying he is scared. He also verbalized that he didn’t want to go, to which I’d explain that he needs both parents, that it was just a weekend and we have a custody order that says he has to go. My son also had falling grades and lack of attention at school the day before and the day(s) following exchanges. This had been a pattern noticed by his teachers, but this time it was different, he started crying and begging.

Calling 911. . .

Ian* ended up calling 911 himself at the sitter’s home and then handing the phone to Mark. By the time I got there the two Sheriff officers had arrived to talk to my son. They spoke to him by himself with the husband and wife in attendance and then they spoke to me outside.

Just cause. . .

The officers explained that custody exchanges are civil matters and they couldn’t say I had to go to the exchange or didn’t have to go to the exchange with my son’s father. After talking to my son and the sitters they felt I had “just cause” not to exchange. They also wanted me to know that my son told them that he had gone on the exchange weekends even though his father continued to hit him, shave his hair off and to quote my son “treat him like a doll you stick pins in” because he didn’t want ME to get in trouble with the Judge. Me! My innocent, loving 9-year-old put himself through that torture to protect me. I was in tears by the time they finished talking to me.

I love my son, and it broke my heart to hear that he felt he had to protect me. It broke my heart again to know I had failed to completely protect him. Ian knows that the court order “made” him have to go to his Dad’s home every other weekend driving nearly 600 miles each time. Ian knows that it takes a Judge changing the custody order to make it “legal” but he just couldn’t wait anymore. He couldn’t wait any longer for me to get the paperwork though the system. Ian found his voice and took a stand to say ENOUGH!

Love, true love. . .

My Ex, my son’s father hasn’t been making good decisions on behalf of our son for a very long time. Things have been quite contentious and tied up in court in a county I have never lived in and his father doesn’t and hasn’t lived in for a very long time. This red tape on his end was an attempt to keep me from being able to do much of anything for years. It worked. Finally, after six years, the case jurisdiction was about to change, (should have changed after 6 months.)

Was it the Ex’s head injury that caused the Ex to be unreasonable? Was it his new wife creating havoc? Was it my son’s Grandfather on his father’s side, the man that had funded my Ex’s custody/divorce “war” still pulling strings. Who knows, maybe a bit of all of it. All I know is that my child found his voice and with the aid of the Sheriff’s Dept. and Domestic Relations we’ve had bit of peace for this period. Once our case is finally, completely transferred into our county we’ll have our day in court and more permanent change in the custody orders, I pray.

Moving forward with hope. . .

In the past 5 months my son’s grades have come up. He isn’t wetting the bed anymore. He is sleeping more soundly and is having much fewer bad dreams. Ian has even stopped flinching as much when someone comes up behind him quickly or I go to hug him. He has started attending Boy Scouts again in addition to taking school sponsored piano lessons. He has even expressed interest in soccer now since before, the exchange schedule made it impossible.

Ring. . .ring. . .ring. . .

His father still calls on rare occasion, usually he yells at Ian until our son says ENOUGH and says “Good-bye.” While Ian may feel like hanging up on his Dad, bad manners are not allowed. I received an angry text message today after one such phone call. I had text messaged his father to ask what had happened since I had a very upset boy on my hands. I said, ” What happened? What did you say?” “Ian is very upset now.” No response from his Dad.

After a while Ian did open up that his father had started the usual pattern of yelling and demanding. I text messaged his father again, “He (Ian) said you were not listening to him and you were yelling at him. Of the past four conversations that you have had with our son only one has gone well. After you two talk I’m left with the pieces. This isn’t good.” I didn’t expect to hear anything back, but I did. . .

“Ian is the one with no manners and is being rude. I have listened to him but when he is hearing so many lies about this side of the family there is no wonder his head is so full of crap. I love him and he has never been abused in my care. I think my father is right he wants to be a (my maiden name) more than a (his last name) and we need to take action because of this matter. Ian is welcome here anytime he wants because I love him with all my heart.”

Reading that text brought me to tears. I don’t speak ill of him or his family ever to or in front of my son. EVER. I am shocked to hear anything mentioned about my family or his family name. After all, it was my former sister-in-law that four years before said in front of my child that “I’d stolen the family name!” My baby came back from that visit wondering how someone could steal a name? After I explained that a person couldn’t steal a name. Ian went on to convey why he was asking. I explained to my bewildered child that on the day that his father and I got married Daddy loved me so much that he gave me his last name as a gift of love. I continued that when you give someone a gift, it is yours to keep. Just for the readers info, when my marriage ended I had a choice to keep my married name or return to my maiden name. I made the decision to keep my husband’s name after the divorce because it was my child’s name. Not for any other reason.

Actions speak louder than words. . .

You see, Ian’s father hasn’t really tried to compromise or to see his son for lunch or just have a plain, normal conversation since Winter. Did he show up for our son’s piano recital at school last week? No. Teacher conference three weeks ago? No. However, I wasn’t shocked to hear his father text that he loved our child. Somewhere deep inside of his being, somewhere in his core, the man I married, had a child with still exists. The problem is that the head injured man is in control and does almost nothing to exhibit what love really is. Love is more about actions, than words. A little short visit would do so much to help melt away some of the anxiety and convey a willing to work on things. Saying your aren’t going to shave the child’s head every two weeks, you aren’t going to hit him anymore or cut his shoes in half are just words.

I wish and pray. . .

I so wish I could turn time back to a period when his father wasn’t like an evil twin. I know Ian would have loved and wanted to spend time with the man who I knew for years, to have a real father and son relationship. I pray that someday a miracle will occur to heal Ian’s father so that they can have some level of loving relationship.

I know I don’t have the typical former spouse and my son doesn’t have the good father he so wants and deserves, but we are getting by, having more free time to play and we’re laughing more.

Laughter–that is something we can never have ENOUGH of!

* All names in this post have been changed to protect their privacy.

Dan delivered a great talk at sxsw on the medi...

Image via Wikipedia

Along with several million people, I loved watching the Royal Wedding, as it was a happy, lovely distraction from the REAL issues going on in the world.  I was surprised to see more “serious” news journalists covering the event as well. Was the “news” coverage over the top?  YES!

I was reading the Huffington Post a few days ago which I do frequently, and came across an article I felt I needed to comment on.  I also have to agree with the opinion piece that elder Journalist  Dan Rather wrote.  He said,

"The next time you hear about another round of layoffs at a TV news division, the closing of a bureau, the decision not to cover a foreign story with full force, remember this week of silliness in April. 
Remember the millions of dollars, hundreds of staff and hours of coverage spent on a wedding in London when crises around the globe and here at home festered. Remember the unseemly pas de deux between the press and a reality TV show huckster peddling racially-fraught falsehoods, as both interviewers and the interviewee seek a bump in ratings. 
And then please take a moment to remember the eight American soldiers and one contractor killed by an Afghan soldier at the Kabul airport in a war too easily forgotten. Remember the hundreds likely being killed in Syria and Libya, not to mention the death and unrest plaguing countries like the Ivory Coast, which almost never earn more than a mention on our most-watched newscasts."

Mr. Rather gave us pause to address what was missing from so much of this weeks news coverage. There continues to be more serious events going on in the country, but a vast wasteland of human fodder seems to take precedent.  In the past, journalist and news agencies overall used to provide more investigative or checks and balance coverage of what is going on in the world.  It’s a sad commentary that drunk, uneducated, drama causing, hot air blowing “children” frequently trump the real issues due to the ratings they generate.  I am saddened that it seem this is where our viewing priorities rest.

I feel it is time to get back to focusing on the most dire of circumstances, the horrible destruction left by the storms that tore through the midsection of our country and the lives lost. Finding solutions for our unemployed and the financial woes of our country.  It’s time we shored up of our Medicare system, our schools being underfunded thus our education system being torn apart, families losing their homes due to foreclosure.  We had our happy diversion, now it is time to roll up our shirt sleeves and deal with the more important “real” issues of the day.

And when I speak of real issues that does not include giving anymore air time to a lunatic reality TV personality who thinks that a birth certificate is of paramount importance.

UPDATE:  The big news is after hunting for him for almost 10 years, Osama Bin Laden is dead. The gravy is that one dismal reality show was pre-empted for a real news story.

The interruption comes one night after Trump was skewered at the White House Correspondents’ Assocation Dinner, where Obama made fun of Trump’s show…